The mechanical properties of the mesophase pitch based carbon fibre are
strongly affected by the microstructure of mesophase pitch and the processes of
stabilization, carbonization and graphitization. In this work, the micro-
structures of several mesophase pitches prepared from different precursors
have been examined. Two fractions separated from ethylene tar form a fine
grained-stringy coalesced mesophase typical of poorly-graphitizating materials;
the E fraction of T residual oil shows a mesophase development typical of well-
graphitizing substances, namely,the growth and coalescenece of ordered sphe-
rules to give a large-grained anisotropic phase. The difference in mesophase
microstructure directly relates to the mechanical properties of carbon fibre.
The morphological features of carbon fibre were observed by SEM. Carbon
fibre prepared from the mesophase pitch of T residual's E fraction exhibits
a radial transverse structure that the cracks and flows occur in the filament.
The cracks and flows which depend fundamentally on the composition of
mesophase pitch and the processes of stabilization, carbonization, and graphi-
tization also influence the mechanical properties of carbon fibre.
Carbon Techniques