Marx revealed the alienation of the people and the active sublation of the private property in his early "1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts" from the point of philosophy. He affirmed the positive returning of humanity and the people 's liberation in the movement of the private property. Therefore we believe it's closely related to the people's liberation and the active sublation of the private property if we re-examine the early "manuscripts" by Marx from the modern point. The people's liberation is the overcoming of the alienation of people, the unity of the man and the nature and the true realization of Communism. In addition, Marx thought that these propositions were the realistic movement and they are produced from the realistic movement itself especially form the process of the realistic positively movement of the private property. There is a practical significance for the relation of the property and the humanity in the "manuscripts" and the reality of the way we concern the development of the human and the society today.
Journal of Daqing Normal University