随着系统容量的不断增大,广东电网结构日趋紧密,在满足负荷快速增长和可靠供电需求同时,电网的短路电流水平的迅速提高严重威胁着电网的安全稳定运行。结合目前国内外限制短路电流措施研究及应用情况,对广东电网可能采取的限制短路电流措施进行了探讨,结论为:对220 kV层级可采用分区供电作为限制短路电流水平的有效手段,对500 kV层级电网则以调整网架结构和局部分区供电为主要措施,部分地区可采用故障电流限制器等辅助措施。
As the capacity of Guangdong Power Grid(GPG) increases constantly,its structure becomes more and more complex so that the challenge of the grid’s security and stability also becomes greater due to the quickly increase of short-circuit current while the grid meets the increasing demand of load and the need of reliable supply.Taking the researches and applications of limiting measures of short-circuit current across the world as reference,this paper discusses the possible limiting measures for GPG,resulting in a conclusion that adopting subarea power supply is an effective measure for the networks of 220 kV voltage level,and adjusting network structure as well as adopting subarea power supply are mainly for 500 kV level,and deploying fault current limiters as a secondary measure is good for certain areas.
Southern Power System Technology
power grid
short-circuit current
limiting measures