试验于1996~1998 年在扬州大学农学院内进行,供试棉花品种为苏棉8 号。春夏播棉芦管与营养钵育苗移栽对比试验结果指出,芦管育苗移栽棉在现蕾时,其单株干重与对照无显著差异。但是,在幼苗期阶段,单株干重显著低于对照;并对根、茎、叶物质积累和分配均产生不利影响,这种物质生产弱势是由芦管环境对棉苗早期限根控叶而使同化产物减少所致;在大苗期阶段,芦管棉苗植株干物质积累逐渐加速; 并随着叶面积增大,光合产物增多,营养中心下移,根/冠干重比明显超过对照,出现了下层根旺发优势,形成了强根壮株的良好长势。因此,提高播种质量,改善芦管苗早期的根际营养环境和扩大叶面积,增强物质生产能力,并充分利用大苗期发根优势,将是芦管育苗移栽棉壮苗早发的关键。
An experiment of comparison between reed tube (treatment) and traditional soil pot method (CK) in cotton seedling raising, sowing both in Spring and Summer, indicated that dry matter of the treatment was significantly lower than that of CK at young seedling stage, and dry matter assignment to root, leaves and stem was affected. This was due to strangling of the reed tube to stem and root, leading to less assimilation in the early growth stage. There was no apparent difference of dry matter at the bud appearing stage. Later, matter accumulation was accelerated and the plant weight of the treatment was greater than that of CK. The ratio of root matter to overall plant matter of the treatment was higher than that of CK. Stronger root lead to stronger plant. It is important for vigorous and early growth of cotton plant by raising sowing quality of the reed tube, improving the soil root environment at early stage.