对巨峰、龙眼两个葡萄品种和红星苹果品种成熟的新梢次生维管组织进行了细胞解离和比较分析研究。结果表明,葡萄两品种枝条次生木质部导管细胞类型属梯纹导管型,红星苹果为孔纹导管型。葡萄两品种导管细胞长度平均为423 .64μm ,细胞的最大直径为83 .11μm ;红星苹果导管细胞长度为442 .38μm ,细胞最大直径为46 .40μm 。比较分析显示,葡萄两品种导管细胞长度均较红星苹果短,差异虽不显著,但其导管细胞的最大直径则极显著地宽于红星苹果;管胞长度和直径均较红星苹果长而宽,差异达极显著水平;纤维细胞显著地短而宽于红星苹果。
The cells of secondary vascular tissues in annual mature canes in Kyoho and Long-Yan grape and in annual mature branches in Starkrimson apple trees were separated and compared. The results indicated that the vessel cells of secondary xylem in annual mature canes in two varieties of grapes were ladder vessel, those in annual mature branches in Starkrimson were pitted vessel. The average length of the vessel cells in two varieties of grape was 423.64μm, the maximum diameter was 83.11μm. The average length and maximum diameter of the vessel cells in Starkrimson apple trees were 442.38μm and 46.40μm respectively. Comparative analysis showed that though the length of the vessel cells of two varieties of grape was shorter than that of Starkrimson apple trees the difference is not significant and the maximum diameter of the vessel cells was very significant wider than that of Starkrimson apple trees. The length and diameter of the tracheid cells in two grape varieties were very significantly longer and wider than those in Starkrimson apple trees. The length and diameter of the fibre cells in two grape varieties were very significantly shorter and wider than those of Starkrimson apple trees.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
Secondary xylem
Vessel cell