目的 :比较罗库溴铵、维库溴铵及美维松的肌松效应。方法 :4 5例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级全麻手术病人随机分为三组 ,各组分别于气管插管后注入相当于 2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵 ( 0 6mg/kg)、维库溴铵 ( 0 1mg/kg)及美维松( 0 15mg/kg) ,观察各药的起效时间、肌松作用时间及恢复指数。结果与结论 :罗库溴铵的起效时间为 1 7± 0 8分钟 ,明显快于美维松的 3 3± 1 5分钟及维库溴铵的 3 8± 1 9分钟 ;罗库溴铵的临床作用时间及恢复指数分别为 4 1±13 4分钟与 13 5± 4 7分钟 ,与维库溴铵相近似。
Objective: To investigate the neuromuscurlar blocking effects of rocuronium, mivacurium and vecuronium. Method:Forty five patients were randomly divided into three groups( n= 15) of rocuronium, mivacurium and vecuronium. A bolus dose of 2×ED 95 was injected and the onset time, clinical duration and recovery index were recorded. Results and Conclusion: The onset time of rocuronium was 1 7±0 8min, which was shorter significantly than that of vecuronium (3 8±1 9min) and mivacurium(3 3±1 5min). The clinical duration and recovery index of rocuromium were 41±14 3min and 13 5±4 7min respectively, which were quite similar to those of vecuronium.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology