

The Localization of Buddhism as a Source of Inspiration for the Localization of Marxism in China
摘要 佛教中国化最成功的宗派——禅宗从"不立文字"到"不离文字"而由盛转衰的事实启示我们,马克思主义中国化的主要发展方式不是解释学的而是实践的;佛教中国化进程中诸宗争鸣推动佛教发展的事实启示我们,在确保马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位的前提下,应形成一些具有区域特色的马克思主义中国化派别,使马克思主义创新的活力在政治精英、学术精英和民间精英中同时激发;禅宗创立者慧能宣扬"佛性即无南北"并尊称听众为"善知识"的事实启示我们,马克思主义中国化必须歌颂大众、发动大众并尊重大众的首创精神;佛教普度众生的多重法门启示我们,推进马克思主义中国化,必须加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,把对人的精神关怀建立在现实的社会制度关怀和物质生活关怀的基础之上。 Zen Buddhism, the most successful mahayana school localized in China, experienced a gradual decline as it evolved from being "independent from" to "dependent on" Buddhist scriptures in the teaching and understanding of its religious truth. This fact reveals to us that the major method for developing Marxism in China should not be explanation but practice. In the process of Buddhism localization in China, the contention of the many Buddhist schools contributed to a boom of Buddhism. This gives us a clear message that we should, guided by Marxism in ideology, encourage the formation of different localized Marxist schools with Chinese characteristics, so as to simultaneously stimulate the theoretical initiative and practical vitality of the political and academic elite and the elite of the masses. Hui Neng, the founder of Zen Buddhism, stated that Buddha nature remains the same no matter where the believer is from, and respectfully, he referred to his audience as the well-knowledged. From this we can know that we should rely on the strength and initiative of the masses in order to localize Marxism in China. Finally, the multiple ways of Buddhism salvation tell us that to promote Marxism localization, we should accelerate social construction focusing on improving people’s livelihood, and providing our spiritual care for people on the basis of institutional care and material care.
作者 肖立斌
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2011年第1期68-71,共4页 Tribune of Education Culture
基金 贵州大学人文社会科学科研项目,项目编号:GDYB2010008
关键词 佛教中国化 马克思主义中国化 启示 Buddhism localization Marxism localization inspiration
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