
含风电场的电力系统小干扰稳定性分析 被引量:4

With Wind Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis
摘要 为了研究含风电场的电力系统小干扰稳定性,建立了一种用于小干扰稳定性分析的风力发电机组的数学模型。利用该模型方法来研究风电场接入单机系统和六机系统的小干扰稳定性。通过算例分析,风电机接入无穷大系统时,改变机端无功补偿容抗的大小和风电机的出力,与风力发电机的转差率和暂态电势的q轴分量强相关的振荡模态阻尼比变化不大,风电机系统在小扰动下具有良好的稳定性;风电场接入多机系统时,采用两种不同的方案来研究区域间振荡模态的阻尼特性,方案一表明模态一和模态二的阻尼比都有所增大,有利于其小干扰稳定性,方案二表明模态一的阻尼比减小,更容易发生振荡,而模态二的阻尼比明显增大,有利于其小干扰稳定性。 To research the small signal stability of power system with wind farm, a mathematical model of wind turbines is established. Using this model method are researched in which the wind farm sets are connected to infinitive bus system or to six-machine system respectively, and the small stability of power system connected with farm are researched. The results show that the damping ratios of the oscillation model related to slip and q axis component of the transient potential of the wind turbine is little changed, when the wind turbine is connected infinitive.when the wind farms are connected with power system, by two different programs to study damping of the oscillation mode between the two regions, one program show that the damping ratios of mode I and mode II increased, beneficial to the small signal stability,second program show that the damping ratio of modal I decreased, more prone to oscillation. The modal damping ratio of modal II increased significantly, beneficial to the small signal stability.
出处 《电气技术》 2011年第2期1-5,共5页 Electrical Engineering
基金 山西省自然科学基金项目(2007011051)
关键词 风电场 电力系统 小干扰稳定性 振荡模态 wind farm power system small signal stability oscillation mode
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