阿拉巴马州(Alabama)位于美国东南部,其首府是蒙哥马利(Montgomery)。“迪克西”(dixie)一词本身就是指美国南部地区,而阿拉巴马州位于该地区中部,“迪克西的心脏”(the Heart of Dixie)这一昵称便由此而来。阿拉斯加州(Alaska)位于美国西北太平洋东岸,是美国面积最大的州,其首府是朱诺(Juneau)。阿拉斯加一词源于阿留申语的“Alyeska”,意为“很大的陆地”。阿拉斯加州远离美国本土大陆,加上大部分地区尚未开发,因此被称为“最后的边疆”(the Last Frontier)。
A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. America's fifty states have some of the most historically interesting nicknames. Alabama is known as the Heart of Dixie because it is in the very middle of a group of states in the Deep South. Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South. It started when Louisiana printed notes with the French word for "ten" on them. "Deece", or D-I-X, led to "Dixie".