

Entanglement Transfer from Pair-coherent States to Two Mixed Atoms
摘要 对处于混合直积态的2个原子与对相干态光场的相互作用,研究了在不同形式强度耦合作用下,原子与光场之间的纠缠传递,结果发现适当形式的强度耦合作用可以增强纠缠传递并且使2原子间纠缠的时间演化呈现出周期性.即使在原子初态变混合时,2原子间纠缠的最大值以及纠缠随时间演化的周期性依然保持.另外发现,2原子间的纠缠与2模间光子数差q有很大关系,q是奇数时的纠缠小于q是偶数时的纠缠. The entanglement transfer from pair-coherent states to mixed atoms with different forms of inten- sity-dependent coupling is studied. It's found that suitable form of intensity-dependent coupling can enhance the entanglement transfer and makes it evolve periodically. Even for the mixed initial atomic states, the maximum value of entanglement and the periodical evolvement are kept. It's also shown that the photon number difference between the two modes plays a key role. When is odd, the maximum entanglement between the atoms is less than that when is even.
作者 张晋华
出处 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期135-139,共5页 Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(20376054)
关键词 纠缠 对相干态 强度耦合 混合态原子 entanglement pair-coherent states intensity-dependent coupling mixed atoms
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