2008年发生的Microsoft Windows系统"黑屏"事件加深了大众对Microsoft Office产品安全性的怀疑,大量推广并使用国产办公软件是解决这个问题的最好方法。目前,国产办公软件在功能和性能等多项质量特性上已经与Microsoft Office相差无几,但是在可扩展性方面仍存在差距,这直接影响了国产办公软件的整体质量。本文基于国家重大专项"核高基"课题的研究内容,介绍了办公软件可扩展性测试的测试指标和测试方法,期望通过测试提高国产办公软件的整体质量和竞争力,抢回市场主动权。
The black screen incident of Microsoft Windows System in 2008 made people doubt the security of Microsoft products,with the vast amount of using of domestic office software is the best way to slove this problem.At present,domestic office software is closed to Microsoft Office software in Function and performance except Scalability,and it impairs the overall quality.The paper introduces the test index and test methods of office software based on the major national projects "The Core Electronic Components,High-end General Chips and Basic Software Foundation of China",,wish to improve overall qualityand competitive,take back the Market initiative by testing.