There is no sufficient reason for MAI talks initiated by the developed countries. They require to conclude acomprehensive Multilateral Agreement on lnvestment in the definition of generalized investment for the purpose of protecting the investors. That will possibly bring negative inliuence to the devel0ping countries that are using foreign capital t0 reajize their strategic objective of social economic development. At the present stage, the developing countries should not agree to hold MAl talks. If they have no alternative but to do that, they should take an active part and adopt a united p0siti0n, insisting on direct investment. For the protection of foreign capital it can only belim ited after business started, and the agreement should meet the requirement of developing countries' developpsent andconform to the principle of reaching unaninlity through. consultation. China should also take appropriate poicy inorder to gain the initiative in MAI talks.
International Economics and Trade Research