31P(1H) NMR 和1H NMR研究表明, 当NaOH 加入到水溶性铑膦配合物HRh(CO)·(TPPTS)3[TPPTS: P(m -C6H4SO3Na)3]后, 可观察到有少量的OTPPTS[OTPPTS: O= P(m -C6H4SO3Na)3]出现, 但配合物的特征谱峰即使在高浓度的NaOH 存在下也基本保持不变, 表明NaOH 对配合物分子结构的影响较小; 当吡啶加入到HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3 中, 31P(1H) NMR谱图中出现游离配体TPPTS的31P谱峰及若干结构未知的新水溶性配合物的31P谱峰, 表明吡啶分子将与配合物分子中的配体TPPTS发生配体交换反应. 在HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3 中分别加入一定量的HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 和H3PO4 等无机酸时, 随着酸量的增加, 配合物的31P物种含量逐渐下降, 而OTPPTS量明显上升, 直至配合物31P物种完全消失; 高浓度乙酸对配合物结构的影响与上述无机酸类似. HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3 的1-己烯氢甲酰化催化反应结果表明, 碱存在下可获得较高的正异构醛比值, 但催化活性降低; 酸存在下所得产物正异构醛比值相对较低且呈淡黄色. 可见, 酸对H?
When NaOH w as added into D2O-solution ofHRh(CO)(TPPTS)3[TPPTS: P(m - C6H4SO3Na)3, trisodium salt of tri-(m -sulfophenyl)-phosphine], there w ere no changes in the characteristic peaks for the w ater-soluble com plex although a sm allpeak at δ35.1 for OTPPTS[OTPPTS: O P(m -C6H4SO3Na)3, trisodium salt of tri-(m -sulfophenyl)-phos- phine oxide] w asform ed undera high concentration ofNaOH, as evidenced by the spectra of 31P(1H) NMRand 1H NMR, indicating thatthe influence on the m olecular structure ofthe com plex by NaOH m ay be lim ited. Severalnew signals at δ29_ 34 accom panied by the ap- pearance of free ligand TPPTSat δ- 5.0_ - 5.3 appeared in the 31P(1H) NMR spectra w hen pyridine w as introduced into HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3, probably due to the reaction oflig- and exchange am ong the coordinated ligands(such as TPPTS, hydrogen, and CO) in the com plex HRh (CO)(TPPTS)3 and pyridine m olecule. The w ater-soluble com plex can be readily decom posed, how ever, w hen inorganic acids such as HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 and H3PO4 w ere introduced into the D2O-solution of HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3, as show n in 31P(1H) NMR spectroscopic data. The decom position of the com plex w as com pleted by the form ation of OTPPTSatδ35.1 and som e new phosphate species atδ27_ 29 in the 31P(1H) NMRspectra in the presence ofabove inorganic acids. Analogous results to those by addition ofinorganic acid w ere obtained w hen acetate acid w as exceeded in m ole ratio to HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3. An increm entin n/iratio ofheptylaldehydes and a depression in TOFw ere obtained in case of the addition ofbase, in contrary, a low er n/iratio ofaldehydesin yellow ish productw as ob- tained in case of the addition of acid in 1-hexene hydroform ylation catalyzed by HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3. The results obtained show ed thatthe m olecularstructure and catalytic perform ance of HRh·(CO)(TPPTS)3 m ay be affected by acid m ore disserviceably than by base.
Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
P(1H) NMR, 1H NMR, HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3, Acidity and basicity, Hydro- form ylation