
非高斯噪声下基于EM迭代算法的多用户检测分析 被引量:1

Multi-user Detection Analysis Based on the EM Iterative Algorithm in Non-Gaussian Noise
摘要 在进行信号传输时,由于各种干扰的存在,不可避免地产生误码(也称缺失信号),而EM算法是近些年来常用的求解缺失数据时的迭代算法,由于EM算法简单易行性与普遍适用性的特点,提出了基于EM迭代算法的多用户检测方法,仿真环境放在非高斯噪声下,对在两种非高斯噪声与高斯噪声下的EM算法的性能与收敛特性做一比较分析,实验结果显示在非高斯噪声下误码性能较差,但是收敛性变化不大具有鲁棒性。 Because of the different interference in existence,signal will be inevitably eroded while transmitting.The EM iterative algorithm is commonly used in recent years for missing data,which has the character of easy and popular applicability.So based on the EM iterative algorithm multi-user detection is proposed.In non-Gaussian noise simulation numerical is carried out,the results show that the proposed algorithm has bad performance in non-Gaussian noise,but convergence of variations less with robustness.
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2011年第3期167-169,173,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
基金 河南工业大学校科研基金项目(编号:09XPT003)资助
关键词 多用户检测 非高斯噪声 EM算法 ulti-user detection non-Gaussian noise EM iterative algorithm
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