
膀胱腹下筋膜的解剖学观察及其临床意义 被引量:1

Anatomic observation of the vesicohypogastric fascia and its clinical significance
摘要 目的:对膀胱腹下筋膜(VHGF)的形态结构特点及其与直肠的关系进行解剖观察,为直肠手术减少并发症提供形态学参考依据.方法: 对10具经福尔马林固定、动脉内灌注红色乳胶液尸体盆腔的20侧膀胱腹下筋膜进行解剖观察.结果: 膀胱腹下筋膜是由双层脏筋膜构成的筋膜-血管神经复合体,是直肠侧韧带形成的关键性因素.Denonvilliers筋膜是其双侧内侧筋膜在直肠前融合的结果.膀胱腹下筋膜双层筋膜在肛提肌表面形成的间隙将直肠下动脉约束在肛提肌表面.结论: 膀胱腹下筋膜是直肠侧方的重要解剖结构,熟悉其形态结构特点有助于减少直肠手术并发症的发生. Objective: To study the morphological characteristics of the vesicohypogastric fascia (VHGF) and the relationship between rectum and endopelvic lateral fascia, determine vessels and nerves distribution in the vesicohypogastric fascia. Methads: 10 pelvises (8 males and 2 females) harvested from cadavers were studied by dissection. Results: VGHF was a fascia neurovascular complex, consisting of two fascial layers. Its inner fascia was the key factor in the formation of rectal lateral ligament. Denovillier's fascia was the results of fusion of bilateral inner fascia of VGHF. The gap formed by double fasciae of VGHF along the pelvic diaphragm just restricted the inferior rectal artery on the surface of the levator ani muscle. Conclusion: VHGF is an important rectal lateral anatomic structure. Knowledge of VHGF helps reduce the occurrence of complications after rectal surgery.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期91-94,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 上海市科委基金资助项目(07DZ19505 08ZR1404600)
关键词 膀胱腹下筋膜 盆筋膜 盆脏筋膜 直肠 解剖 vesicohypogastric fascia pelvic fascia visceral pelvic fascia rectum anatomy
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