
基于螺旋刻划方法的KDP晶体临界切削厚度研究 被引量:3

Research on Critical Cutting Thickness of KDP Crystals by Spirally Grooving
摘要 为了取得贴近切削加工的临界切削厚度,本文提出了一种采用金刚石刀具对KDP晶体进行螺旋刻划、基于所得刻槽微观形貌特征参数计算临界切削厚度的新方法;分析了切削速度和材料各向异性对临界切削厚度的影响;通过切削实验验证所得临界切削厚度。结果表明,晶体材料的各向异性对临界切削厚度有显著影响;在低速切削范围内,切削速度对临界切削厚度影响不显著;基于所得临界切削厚度选择切削参数,实现了KDP晶体全晶向延性域切削,取得了表面粗糙度为2.57 nm(Ra)的超光滑表面。 In order to achieve the CCT related on the cutting condition,a novel method of spiral grooving of KDP crystals using single diamond tool was proposed.A calculation for CCT was established based on the characteristic parameters of micrograph of groove.The influence of cutting speed and anisotropy of KDP on the CCT was analyzed.The CCT achieved by novel method was verified by experiments of cutting KDP crystals.The results indicated that the effect of anisotropy of crystals on the CCT is obviously,and the cutting speed in low speed has insignificant influence on the CCT.The cutting parameters are selected according to CCT obtained by method above,ductile mode cutting of KDP crystals in all crystalline orientation can be achieved,a super smooth surface with roughness of 2.57 nm(Ra) is achieved.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期22-26,37,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 国家自然科学基金(50775217 60908022)资助项目
关键词 临界切削厚度 KDP晶体 延性域切削 螺旋刻划 the critical cutting thickness(CCT) KDP crystals ductile mode cutting spiral grooving
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