
灵长类镜像神经系统研究的最新进展 被引量:7

Advances in Studies of Primate Mirror Neuron System
摘要 近年来,镜像神经系统成为认知神经科学的研究热点。神经生理学和脑成像的相关研究表明,镜像神经系统以运动为基础,统一了动作观察和动作执行的神经机制,为理解他人动作提供了来自"内部"的支持。镜像神经系统为个体间的自然交流提供了神经基础,具有深远的进化意义。它不仅存在于灵长类,甚至在进化距离较远的物种(如沼雀和斑雀)中也有发现。作者在综述最新相关研究的基础上,分别介绍了猴和人类镜像神经系统的生理基础和认知功能,并对前人实验中的遗留问题做了总结和展望。 Mirror neuron system has recently attracted more and more interests in the field of cognitive neuroscience.Studies using neurophysiological and brain-imaging techniques have suggested that such motor-based system provides a basic mechanism that unifies action execution and action perception.This mechanism comprises a neural basis for understanding goal-orientated actions of others from the inside.Mirror neuron system seems to be a primary and natural way whereby individuals communicate with one another.It is found not only in primates,but also in evolutionarily distant species,such as swamp sparrows and zebra finches.This paper reviews the latest progress about the mirror neuron system and discusses its physiologic basis and cognitive function in primates and human beings in detail.Finally,several questions for future research derived from previous studies have also been suggested.
作者 姚远
出处 《生物物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期99-107,共9页 Acta Biophysica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(030900389) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金~~
关键词 镜像神经系统 顶额镜像回路 动作理解 Mirror neuron system Parieto-frontal mirror circuit Action understanding
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