
正常步态下距骨关节面接触特征的有限元分析 被引量:6

Contact characteristics of articular surfaces for talus during gait-a finite element analysis
摘要 [目的]通过有限元法分析正常步态下距骨各关节面软骨应力变化,了解各关节面软骨应力分布的生物力学特征。[方法]利用正常男性的足踝部螺旋CT扫描数据,运用三维建模软件,建立足踝部三维几何模型,并对其进行有限元网格划分,分析正常步态下距骨各关节面接触应力及Von Mises应力分布。[结果]建立包括骨、软骨、韧带在内的正常人体足踝部三维有限元模型,共21865个节点、73440个单元,较客观地反映了人体足踝的解剖结构和力学特性。不同位相距骨各关节面接触应力及Von Mises应力分布区域和应力值不同。[结论]采用有限元法分析关节软骨应力的生物力学特征是一种可行、有效的方法。 [Objective]To construct a three-dimensional finite element model(FEM) of normal adult human ankle in order to supply a digital platform for biomechanical research of talar cartilage stress during gait,and understand the stress distribution of cartilage biomechanical characteristics. [Methods]A three-dimensional FEM of normal adult human ankle was established through helical CT images and meshed,for analysis of contact pressure and Von Mises stress distribution of cartilage during gait.[Results]An ankle model was constructed including bones,cartilage,ligaments,which was composed of 21 865 nodes,73 440 elements.The articular surface contact stress and the Von Mises stress distribution and stress values were different in different stance phases.[Conclusion]The application of FEM is valid and reasonable.It could be optimized by the interference of anatomical data and biomechanical experiments and used in further articular cartilage biomechanics research.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期402-405,共4页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 距骨 关节软骨 有限元法 生物力学 talus articular cartilage finite element analysis biomechanics
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