ABSTRACT Objective: This repor
presesnts a combined method treatment of tradit
ional Chinese and western medicine for chronic gastritis and chronic active gas
tritis caused by HP infection. Method:Select Patients with fregu
ent flatulent
dyspesia gastralgia uncomfortableness in epigatrium, Eliminate alteration from L
iver, gallbladder and panireas thouth B ultrasonic wave and Liver function exam
ination, Apply the ELISA technigue. Diagnose out some Patients with Positive HP
IgG (50 in our previous practice) Treat them with an anti-HP project of combing
traditiond Chinese and western medicne. Resu1st: Take acetyspirp
iramycin plus met
-rondazolam for 14 days. While-taking antibiolic, take a chinese medicine named
'lin Mo Tang' in pinyin, one dose a day, ten days a cause After 30 days of treat
ment clinical symptoms in most patient disappeared, stop taking anythin 40 days
after beniay on the medicine in oral practice 46 patients converted to nagative
HP-IgG. 4 remained positive The care rate is 92.0 per.cent.Conclusions: The the
rapy of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine for anti-HP mfection
can eradinate the pathogenic bateria and prevent eaoy recurrence There is also a
Chance to overcome the resistence of HP.
KEY WORDS Heliclobacter pylori;gastriti combination treatme
n; Chinese & western medicine
Hebei Medicine