
肝缺血预处理对肝再灌注期间热休克蛋白70的表达及肝脏病理改变的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning of the Liver on Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 and Histopathologic Changes during Reperfusion.
摘要 评价缺血预处理对大鼠肝缺血再灌注后肝细胞热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的表达和肝组织形态学的影响。方法:大鼠78只分为3组:缺血预处理组、肝血流持续阻断组及假处理组。用免疫金银法动态观察再灌注24h内HSP70蛋白的表达,同时观察肝脏的病理改变。结果:肝缺血预处理能较早诱导HSP70的表达,肝细胞损伤也相应较轻。结论:肝缺血预处理可增加组织对缺血再灌注损伤的耐受性,该保护作用可能与早期诱导HSP70蛋白的产生有关。 To evaluate the effects of ischemic preconditioning on the expression of heat shock protein 70(HSP70) and the histopathologic changes after ischemia-reperfusion in the murine liver. Me-thods: Seventy-eight rats were divided into 3 groups: ①ischemic preconditioning(36 rats);②con-tinuous inflow block(36 rats) and ③sham operation(6 rats). The changes in the expression of HSP70 were observed by means of the IGSS during the period of reperfusion. Histopathologic changes were observed at the same time. Results: The expression of HSP70 was induced earlier in the ischemic pre-conditioning group than in the continuous inflow block group; injury of the hepatic cells was also of a less severe degree in the former group. Conclusions: Ischemic preconditioning in the murine liver might increase tissue tolerance to the injury caused by ischemia-reperfusion. This protective effect may be related to the production of HSP70 at an earlier stage of ischemia-reperfusion.
出处 《外科理论与实践》 1999年第3期171-172,共2页 Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice
关键词 肝缺血 预处理 热休克蛋白70 肝脏病理 Ischemic preconditioning Heat shock protein 70 Liver Ischemia-reperfusion
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