目的 :探讨纳洛酮 (naloxonehydrochloride ,NX)在急性有机磷中毒 (acuteorgano phosphoruspesticidepoisoning ,AOPP)中的抗自由基机理。方法 :2 2例中重度AOPP患者随机分为两组 ,在传统综合抢救基础上NX组给 0 8mgNX静脉注射每 2 0min一次 ,直至病人症状缓解或清醒。 2h后分别观察临床症状并于治疗前及治疗后 2h分别测血浆β 内啡呔 ( β EP)及丙二醛 (ma londialdehyde,MDA)浓度。结果 :NX组临床症状缓解及意识转清时间平均为 0 5~ 1h ,对照组为 2~ 3h以上。 2 2例AOPP患者 β EP及MDA含量均高于正常组 (P <0 0 1) 。NX组治疗后 β EP及MDA含量较治疗前明显降低 (P <0 0 5 ) ,对照组变化不明显。结论 :NX在AOPP的抢救中具有抑制氧自由基释放 。
Objective:To observe the effect of naloxone hydrochloride (NX) on oxygen free radicals inhibition in patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning (AOPP).Methods:22 cases with middle and serious AOPP were randomly divided into control group and NX group.In addition to traditional combined treatment,NX was injected at a dose of 0 8mg every 20 min in NX group till consciousness recovering or symptoms improved.The state of consciousness and clinical symptoms were observed in all patients.β EP and malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured before treatment and at 2h after treatment in all patients.Results:The time of recovering consciousness was 0 5~1h in NX group and 2~3h in control group.β EP and MDA were higher than normal before treatment in all patients(P<0 05) and were significantly reduced after treatment in NX group (P<0 05),the control group had mild change after treatment.Conclusion:NX can reduce the time of recovering consciousness.The effect was related to the inhibition of oxygen free radicals production and inhibition of lipid peroxide.
Acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning Naloxone hydrochloride Oxygen free radicals