
饭店业员工工作压力与工作满意度关系的实证研究 被引量:4

摘要 本文以浙江省6家高星级饭店271名员工为调查对象,采用SPSS18.0的层级回归方法,从性别和职位的研究视角探讨该方法在饭店业工作压力(工作要求和人际冲突)与员工工作满意度之间的作用。研究结果表明:工作要求和人际冲突都分别与工作满意度有显著负相关关系;性别与职位在工作要求与员工工作满意度之间起到调节作用,但没有发现二者在人际冲突与工作满意度之间有调节影响。本研究结论对饭店业人力资源管理实践具有启示作用。 This paper investigated the moderating roles of gender and organizational level in the relationship between work stress(job demand and interpersonal conflict) and job satisfaction for hotel employees.Data were collected from employees(n=271) in six upscale hotels via self-administered questionnaire and processed utilizing SPSS 18.0.Hierarchical regression showed that job demand and interpersonal conflict had strong negative relationship with job satisfaction respectively,gender and organizational level had significant moderating effects on job demand and job satisfaction.However,the moderating roles of gender and organizational level were not found between interpersonal conflict and job satisfaction.Research implications for human resource practices in hotel industry are discussed.
作者 郭淑梅 刘兵
出处 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期77-81,共5页 Enterprise Economy
关键词 工作压力 工作要求 人际冲突 工作满意度 饭店业员工 work pressure job demand interpersonal conflicts job satisfaction hotel employees
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