
城市低收入者日常生活信息获取行为实证分析——以广州市海珠区为例 被引量:20

Empirical Research on Everyday Life Information Seeking Behavior of Urban Low-income Residents——A Case Study of Urban Low-income Residents in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou City
摘要 以广州市海珠区低收入者为样本,采用深入访谈法,对城市低收入者的日常生活信息获取行为进行研究,内容包括信息在城市低收入者日常生活中的作用、城市低收入者关注的信息类型、获取信息的渠道、影响低收入者信息获取的因素、城市低收入者日常生活信息获取的难易程度及其利用图书馆的情况。作者认为,公共图书馆应根据城市低收入者日常生活信息获取行为的特点有针对性地为其提供信息服务。 Reports an investigation on everyday life information seeking behavior of low-ineome group in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou city. The empirical data were collected via in-depth interview with low-income urban residents and were analyzed by using qualitalive methods. Discusses the findings based on the major results of information seeking behavior among this group, including how information acts in their everyday life, what information they care about, which information channels they prefer to use, which factors influence their information seeking behavior, how difficult it is to seek the information they need, and how they use public libraries. Indicates that public libraries should provide information services for low-income urban residents according to the cbaracteristics of their everyday life information seeking behavior.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期76-81,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 中山大学2010年推免生暑期科研训练资助计划及资讯管理系"专业社会实践"课程研究成果之一
关键词 日常生活信息获取 信息行为 城市低收入者 信息用户 everyday life information seeking information behavior low-income urban residents information users
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