
黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎 被引量:5

Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis
摘要 目的探讨黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎(XGC)的临床病理特征和诊断。方法对1986~1996年间从585例胆囊病理检查标本中检出的20例(3.4%)XGC作回顾性临床病理观察。结果20例(男9例,女11例)XGC的临床表现类似一般的慢性胆囊炎或胆石病。手术所见:胆囊壁增厚伴广泛粘连而酷似癌。20例临床全部误诊。镜下所见:多结节型10例,局灶型7例,弥漫型3例。胆囊壁内均见典型的泡沫细胞肉芽肿或胆汁肉芽肿。结论XGC临床诊断困难,确诊和与胆囊癌的鉴别主要靠病理检查。对可疑病例术中冰冻切片检查是必要的。对所有切除的胆囊都应送病理检查,以防漏诊或误诊。 Objective To study the clinicopathological features and diagnosis of the xanthogranulomatouscholecystitis (XGC). Methods A clinicopathological analysis of 20 cases (3.4%) with XGC selected from 585histopathologically examined cholecystectomy specimens between 1986 and 1996 were performed retrospectively.Results The 20 patients comprised 9 men and 11 women, aged from 32 to 74 (mean 50. 5) years. The clinicalPresentation was similar to that of general chronic cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The operative findings showed athickened gallbladder wall with extensive adherence to adjacent organs, and thus, mimicking gallbladder carcino-ma. All the 20 cases were clinically misdiagnosed. Microscopic findings showed multinedular type in 10 cases, fo-cal type in 7 cases and diffuse type in 3 cases. Typical foamy cell granulomas or bile granulomas were found in thegallbladder wall in all cases. Conclusions The XGC was difficult to be diagnosed clinically. Definite diagnosisand differentiation from gallbladder carcinoma mainly depend on histopathological examination. Intraoperativefrozen-section examination is necessary in suspected case. It is recmmended that clinicians should raise diagnosticconsciousness of XGC and that histopathological examination of all cholecystectomy specimens Should be Performedto avoid missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis.
出处 《中华肝胆外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 1999年第4期223-225,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
关键词 黄色肉芽肿 胆囊炎 病理学 诊断 Xanthogranulomatous inflammation, gallbladder Pathology, surgical Diagnosis
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