
基于行为的机器人自适应队形控制 被引量:2

Behavior-Based Control for Adaptive Formation of Robots
摘要 针对多机器人在未知复杂环境下的队形控制问题,将leader-follower法结合到基于行为法中,提出了机器人在复杂环境下采取跟踪链的方式穿越障碍,而后再重新组队,使机器人适应环境的能力增强,避免了机器人在复杂环境下掉队的现象。在避障活动障碍时,依据障碍运动趋势有预见的主动避开,使控制行为既简单又有效,仿真结果表明该队形控制算法的可行性和有效性。 Aimed at the formation control of multiple robots in complex environment,the leader-follower method is combined with behavior-based method.The proposed robots can track the chain through the barrier in a complex environment and then re-team to adapt to the environment,avoiding the robots' droping out from other robots in a complex environment.In the obstacle-avoidance activities,the robots can avoid barriers based on the predictable trend,so that the control behavior of both simple and effective.Simulation results show that the formation control algorithm is effective.The feasibility and validity of the formation control strategy are also indicated.
作者 李强 刘国栋
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2011年第4期177-181,共5页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 多机器人 队形控制 跟踪链 环境适应性 避障 multiple robots formation control trace chain environmental adaptation obstacle avoidance
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