

Social Factors of the Prevalence of the School of Science in the"Debate of Science and Outlook on Life" ——SSK analysis and verification
摘要 对"科玄论战"胜负的主要因素并非双方基本立场或主要论点的正确性探因,就为用SSK视角研究论战提供了可行性;在SSK的视角下,社会对科学的普遍推崇、论战中策略的运用都是决定论战胜负的重要因素;这些因素的相互作用和渗透,使论战中存在着浓厚的社会因素。SSK视角下的"科玄论战",所给予的一个直接启示或许是:社会因素对文化的影响虽然是直接的,但各学科有不同的研究领域,不可因推崇一方而压制另一方;作为历史积淀的文化需要在特定的社会条件下创新发展;对科学的认识应有客观的态度,不可因社会发展处于特殊时期就夸大科学的积极作用而忽视其消极影响。 Because decisive factors in the debate of science and outlook of life(DSOL) are not the standpoints of the parties or the correctness of major arguments,it is feasible to study the DSOL from the perspective of sociology of scientific knowledge(SSK).In SSK,factors that science is generally respected in the society and that debate strategies should be properly applied in the debate have become important for the victory.The interaction of these factors makes social factors attract people's attention.Studying DSOL from the perspective of SSK gives us the following enlightenments: i) Because different disciplines have their own research domains and strength,it is not advisable to suppress one discipline for the reason that it is not accepted by the prevailing ones although social factors do have a direct effect on the culture.ii) As a heritage of the history,the culture needs to develop and innovate under certain social conditions.iii) The attitude towards science should be objective and it is not recommended to exaggerate its positive side because of its contribution to the social development in a special historical period and ignore its negative side.
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期93-97,共5页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
关键词 科玄论战 社会因素 科学派 科学知识社会学 debate of science and outlook on life social factors the school of science sociology of scientific knowledge(SSK)
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