1James Maitland ,Earl .of Lauderdale, An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth and into the Means and Causes of its Increase( Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co. , 1819) ,37 -59 ,and Lauderdale's Notes on Adam Smith, ed. Chuhei Sugiyama ( New York: Routledge, 1996), 140 - 41.
2Jean Baptiste Say,Letters to ,Thomas Robert Malthus on Political Economy and Stagnation. of Commerce ( London : G. Harding' s Bookshop, Ltd. , 1936 ) ,68 - 75.
3John Stuart Miii, Principles .of Political Economy with Some of their Applications to Social Philosophy ( New York : Longmans, Green, and Co. , 1904 ),4,6.
5Herbert Spencer, Social Statics, New York : D. Appleton and Co. 1865 ,pp. 13-44.
7E. F. Schumacher,Small Is Beautlful(New York: Harperand Row,1973),15.
8Luiz C. Barbosa,“Theories in Environmental Sociology," in Kenneth A. Gould and TammyLewis, eds. , Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology( Oxford : Oxford. University Press ,2009 ) ,28.
9Jean - PaulDel age," Eco - Marxist Critique of Political Economy,in Martin O'Connor, ed., Is Capitalism Sustdihable?(New York : Guilford, 1994 ) , 48.
10Mathhew, Humphrey,Preservation Versus the People? (Oxford:Oxford University Press ,2002 ) , 131 - 41.