外源植物生长调节剂可影响佛手叶片的硝酸还原酶 ( N R) 活力, 室内试验以03 m g/ L 多效唑+ 005 m g/ L 6- B A (6苄基腺嘌呤) 对酶活性的促进作用最明显。生产中建议用多效唑控制佛手株型时, 应配合使用6- B A, 以保持和提高植株对氮肥的利用能力。
Data of a series of experiments confirmed that exogenuous plant growth regulators (EPGR) had an effect on nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves of Citrus medica var. Sarcodactylis. In treatments of the experiments, the NRA could be enhanced, when plants treated by a mixture of the EPGR and PP333, in which increment of NPA was the largest under conditions of applying the mixed solution of 0 3 mg PP333/L and 0 05g 6 BA/L It was recommended that when PP333 was applied to Citrus medica var. Sarcodactylis in order to control its plant type in practice, 6 BA should be added to PP333, for keeping and improving ability of N ferti lizer utilization in the plants.
Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences
Citrus medica var. Sarcodactylis
nitrate reductase
plant growth regulators CMV promoter and BGH polyA signal sequence,S1genl cDNA of Australia strain was inserted into BamHI/HindIII site of pcDNA3 plasmid.Results demonstrated that