
BACH:线性混成系统有界可达性模型检验工具 被引量:2

BACH:A Toolset for Bounded Reachability Analysis of Linear Hybrid Systems
摘要 混成自动机的模型检验问题非常困难,即使是其中相对简单的一个子类——线性混成自动机,它的可达性问题仍然是不可判定的.现有的相关工具大都使用多面体计算来判定线性混成自动机状态空间的可达集,复杂度高、效率低,无法解决实际应用规模的问题.描述了一个面向线性混成系统有界可达性模型检验工具——BACH(bounded reachability checker),该工具能够沿指定路径(组)对单个线性混成自动机、多个线性混成自动机的组合进行可达性检验,并且在此基础上结合路径遍历技术完成对所有路径的有界可达性检验.实验数据显示,BACH不仅在面向路径可达性检验方面性能优异,可以适用于足够长度的路径,而且在针对所有路径的有界可达性检验时,BACH可以解决的问题规模也远远超过同类工具,已接近工业界应用的要求. The model-checking problem for hybrid systems is very difficult to resolve.Even for a relatively simple class of hybrid systems,the class of linear hybrid automata,the most common problem of reachability is unsolvable.Existing techniques for the reachability analysis of linear hybrid automata do not scale well to problem sizes of practical interest.Instead of developing a tool to perform a reachability checking of the complete state space of linear hybrid automata,a prototype toolset BACH(bounded reachability checker) is presented to perform path-oriented reachability checking and bounded reachability checking of the linear hybrid automata and the compositional linear hybrid systems,where the length of the path being checked can be made very large,and the size of the system can be made large enough to handle problems of practical interest.The experiment data shows that BACH has good performance and scalability and supports the fact that BACH can become a powerful assistant for design engineers in the reachability analysis of linear hybrid automata.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期640-658,共19页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(90818022 61021062) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2009CB320702) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2009AA01Z148 2007AA010302)
关键词 线性混成系统 线性混成自动机 有界可达性检验 线性规划 linear hybrid system linear hybrid automata bounded reachability analysis linear programming
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