
胸腺样分化甲状腺癌的循证诊断与治疗 被引量:4

Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment for a Patient with Thyriod Carcinoma Showing Thymus-like Differentiation
摘要 目的探讨胸腺样分化甲状腺癌的诊断、治疗及随访方式。方法通过1例胸腺样分化甲状腺癌的回顾性病历分析,检索相关国内外文献,分析对该病的确诊结果、治疗方法及随访指标。结果胸腺样分化甲状腺癌只能以病理结合免疫组化诊断为确诊方法,手术为主要治疗手段,超声、CT检查可做为随访指标。结论胸腺样分化甲状腺癌是一种特殊类型的甲状腺癌,其诊断、治疗及随访方式均不同于分化型甲状腺癌。 Objective To discuss the diagnosis,treatment,and follow-up visit mode of thyroid carcinoma showing thymus-like elements(CASTLE).Mothods For a systematic review of a case with CASTLE,the domestic and overseas literature was searched to analyze final diagnosis,treatment and follow-up visit indexes of that case.Results For CASTLE,the pathology combined with immunohistochemistry was the only method for final diagnosis,the operation was the main treatment,and the ultrasound as well as the computed tomography(CT) could be the follow-up visiting indexes.Conclusion CASTLE is a special kind of thyroid carcinoma,which is different from differentiated thyroid carcinoma in diagnosis,treatment and follow-up visit.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2011年第3期350-353,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
关键词 胸腺样分化甲状腺癌 循证诊断 循证治疗 Thyroid carcinoma showing thymus-like elements Evidence-based diagnosis Evidence-based treatment
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