1Minerva. Good practices in digitization. [2004-10-20]. http://www. minervaeurope. org/structure/workinggroups/goodpract/document/bestpracticehandbook1_2. pdf.
2UNESCO. Guidelines for digitization projects for collection and holdings in the public domain, particularly those held by libraries and archives. [2004-12-29]. http://www. ifla. org/Vll/s19/pubs/digit-guide, pdf
3Cornell University Library. Moving theory into practice: Digitalimaging tutorial. [2004-07-20]. http://www. library. cornell. edu/preservation/tutorial/contents, html
4Colorado Digitization Project. Digital Toolbox. [2004-10-09].http://www. cdpheritage. org/ resource/toolbox/index. html.
5British Library. Preservation and digitization: principles, pracrices and policies. [2004-11-21]. http://www.bl. uk/services/preservation/freeandpaid.html.
6National Library of Australia. Digitization of traditional formatlibrary materials: Standards and Guidelines. [2004-10-04].http://www. nla. gov. au/digital/standards. html.
7NINCH (National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage).The NINCH guide to good practice in the digital representation & management of cultural heritage materials. [2004-07-01].http ://www. nyu. edu/its/humanities/ninchguide/.
8Library of Congress. Conservation of dimplications igitization projects. [2004-11-25]. http://memory. loc. gov/ammem/techdocs/conservation.html.