
基于计划行为理论的环保型产品购买行为分析 被引量:11

Pro-environmental Products Purchase Behavior Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
摘要 在计划行为理论原有模型的基础上融合了传统价值观和生态学知识两个因素以预测消费者环保型产品的购买意愿和购买行为。利用问卷调查所得数据进行实证分析。分析发现传统价值观、环保产品购买态度和主观规范对消费者环保产品购买意愿有显著的影响,而知觉行为控制对消费者环保产品购买意愿的影响不显著,行为意愿对消费者环保产品购买行为有较好的解释力;同时发现生态学知识对消费者的环保产品购买意愿有调节作用。根据研究的结论得出了一些相应的管理启示。 In this paper,traditional value points and ecological knowledge are merged into the theory of planned behavior model to predict consumers' purchase intention and purchase behavior of pro-environmental products.An empirical analysis was carried by using the data obtained by a questionnaire survey.It was found that traditional value standpoints,attitudes and subjective norms have significant impact on consumers' intention to purchase environmentally friendly products through hierarchical multiple regression analysis,but there is no significant relationship between perceived behavioral control and buying intention of environmentally friendly products.At the same time,purchase intention has an explanatory power to consumers' purchase behavior of pro-environmental products.It was also found that the ecological knowledge of consumers has a moderating effect to buy environmentally friendly products.Finally,some management implications were drawn based on the conclusions.
作者 陶蕊
出处 《云南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期76-82,共7页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University(Social Science)
关键词 价值观 计划行为理论 环保产品 购买行为 生态学知识 value standpoints theory of planned behavior pro-environmental products purchasing behavior ecological knowledge
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