
荃银高科新两优系列防伪稻研究 被引量:4

Study on Winall Hi-tech Seed Co.,Ltd.'s Varieties with Light Brown Glume Marker
摘要 安徽荃银高科种业股份有限公司以广占63-4S为母本、具隐性浅褐色颖壳的爪哇稻材料M95为父本,杂交育成颖壳具浅褐色标记性状的籼型水稻光温敏核不育系新安S(稃色受一对隐性基因控制)。并以新安S为母本,配组了多个带有浅褐色标记的防伪稻新品种。这项技术在全国尚为首创,能够快速、简便、直观、准确鉴别杂交水稻种子的真假,同时为机械化制种混播色选创造了条件,从而提高了制种产量,降低了成本,且可有效杜绝假种子坑农现象,在杂交稻制种上具有重要意义。其配组的新两优6号、新两优106、新两优901、新两优343、新两优香4等高产优质新两优系列防伪稻,商品属性突出,或耐肥抗倒,适应性广,或口味佳,带有香气,或粒型较大,适应了不同生长环境的需要,满足了不同农户的需求。 Anhui Winall Hi-tech Seed Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise of seed industry integrated with crop seed research,production, processing,domestic and international trade. In 2003,Anhui Winall Agricultural Hi-tech Research Institute made a declaration of "Method of breeding parent and breed of hybrid rice with recessive label" , approved by the State Intellectual Property Office ("SIPO") for patent protection. This invention refers to a breeding method of hybrid rice with recessive mark, introducing, collecting and physically mutagenizing the resource of rice variety whose husk color has color mark, after planting and identifying by man-made hybridization the character of husk color's hereditary, making hybridization, backcross transfer-cultivation, cultivation identification, etc. with the parents of lhe hybrid rice to select out the parent with recessive-mark husk color, then making combination and confirmation of effectively, and finally obtaining the parent with the recessive mark and the variety. Rapid, simple, intuitive and accurate identification for the truth of hybrid rice seed, and help to achieve color selection in mechanization of mixed planting breeding, so as to improve the quality of seed production and lower the cost. In 2005, Winall company selected and bred the first parent of bilineal hybrid rice with recessive glume color markers named Xin'an S, which owned obvious advantages including low initiative temperature of infertility,long duration of sterility, fine quality of grain,strong combining ability and high multipliability. In particular,its glume color was provided with light brown marker traits controlled by recessive genes. So the hybrid seeds were readily identifiable,which was conducive to the purity test of seeds in the F~ progeny. Taking Xin'an S as female parent, Winall Company crossed and selected multiple combinations with light brown glume anti-fake markers, such as Xinliangyou 4, Xinliangyou 6, Xinliangyou 901, Xinliangyou 343, Xinliangyou 106, etc. These varieties have been validated through national or provincial approval. Xinliangyou No.6 was the first new variety of anti-fake rice cultivated by Winall Company. Owing to the fine quality, high yield and strong ability of pest and disease resistance, the variety cultivation was widely promoted with high production in China. In 2006, Xinliangyou No.6 was certified by Ministry of Agriculture as the first lot recommended super hybrid, and later the company bred a batch of new varieties different from the former. These varieties was prominent in commodity property, which had characteristics of high yield and high quality, showing extensive adaptability, or strong lodging resistance, or excellent flavor and scent, or large grain form. So the product diversification with Xinliangyou 6 as the core and favorable supplement of other varieties took shape, which was adapted to the needs of distinct growing environments and satisfied the different demands of farmers.
出处 《园艺与种苗》 CAS 2011年第1期5-15,共11页 Horticulture & Seed
关键词 荃银高科种业 杂交水稻 浅褐色稃壳标记 Winall Hi-tech Seed Co., Ltd. Hybrid rice Light brown glume marker
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