Saul Bellow' s last novel Ravelstein is kind of biographical novel written on the basis of the life of his colleague and friend Allan Broom.Its publication evoked a great repercussion among the American critics.Those who praised it claimed that it "was a startling achievement,the most compelling book Bellow had written in years",while those who denied it were annoyed that Bellow had revealed Broom' s privacy and "outed" Broom' s homosexuality.For them,it was a moral issue,namely,Bellow has no right "to make such matters public." Taking all the criticism into account,the major critical concerns so far are on the "outed" privacy and issues concerning death,friendship and love,deconstructing the theme of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in discussing private matters.It is to say that Bellow,who wrote the novel at the age of 84,would write his last novel Ravelstein for his friend,to discuss friendship,death and love only;he must have thought to fix his ethnic position and value orientation through this novel too.The present author attempts to argue about Bellow' s Jewish position,namely his Jewishness through analyzing the contents and expressions of the novel concerning such issues as anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)