Acoustic inversion is a fast and inexpensive method to obtain local geo-acoustic parameters in shallow water.Especially,the noise vertical coherence estimates are so convenient to be accomplished by using a simple two-hydrophone array without any transmitting sources.And it could be provided to military application because of its covertness.In this paper,a simple model of sea surface noise is used,and the sensitivity index of geo-acoustic parameters(such as sound speed,density and attenuation) to noise vertical coherence is introduced.Furthermore,the ambient sea noise inversion has been applied to experimental data obtained in shallow water in China,combining with the differential evolution global optimization method.It is shown that the geo-acoustic parameters estimated by the noise vertical coherence and the explosive signals coincide well to some extent.A Fast Gibbs Sampler(FGS) approach is used to test the validity of this inversion method in the end.One benefit of stable ambient noise inversion technique is that it provides a simple alternative to more convenient procedure used in estimating the seabed parameters.
Technical Acoustics