
海面噪声垂直相干特性反演地声参数 被引量:1

A geo-acoustic inversion method using vertical coherence of sea surface noise
摘要 声学反演是快速、低成本获取浅海局部地声参数的有效方法之一,其中,利用海面噪声的垂直相干函数反演海底参数,只需要两个垂直排列的水听器,不需要专门的发射声源,隐蔽性好,有较高的军事应用价值。通过已有的海面噪声场模型,分析了海底声速、密度及衰减系数对噪声垂直相干函数的敏感度,并利用中国某海区的海洋环境噪声试验数据,结合差异进化全局寻优算法,反演了该海域的地声参数,与同海区的爆炸声传播试验反演结果相比,二者基本吻合,最后利用快速吉布斯采样方法评价了反演结果的有效性。结果表明:海洋环境噪声场的垂直相干函数是稳健的,用来反演一般精度下的地声参数,试验实施容易,具有一定的优势。 Acoustic inversion is a fast and inexpensive method to obtain local geo-acoustic parameters in shallow water.Especially,the noise vertical coherence estimates are so convenient to be accomplished by using a simple two-hydrophone array without any transmitting sources.And it could be provided to military application because of its covertness.In this paper,a simple model of sea surface noise is used,and the sensitivity index of geo-acoustic parameters(such as sound speed,density and attenuation) to noise vertical coherence is introduced.Furthermore,the ambient sea noise inversion has been applied to experimental data obtained in shallow water in China,combining with the differential evolution global optimization method.It is shown that the geo-acoustic parameters estimated by the noise vertical coherence and the explosive signals coincide well to some extent.A Fast Gibbs Sampler(FGS) approach is used to test the validity of this inversion method in the end.One benefit of stable ambient noise inversion technique is that it provides a simple alternative to more convenient procedure used in estimating the seabed parameters.
出处 《声学技术》 CSCD 2011年第1期46-50,共5页 Technical Acoustics
基金 国防科技预研项目(51303030606和51303060507)资助
关键词 海面噪声 垂直相干函数 差异进化算法 匹配场反演 快速吉布斯采样 sea surface noise vertical coherence differential evolution matched field inversion fast Gibbs sampler
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