
生物质腰果酚磺酸盐表面活性剂的合成及其乳化性能 被引量:14

Synthesis of biomass cardanol sulfonate surfactant and its emulsification performance
摘要 采用发烟硫酸对生物质腰果酚进行磺化,得到腰果酚磺酸盐表面活性剂;利用红外光谱表征了产物的化学结构;分别采用悬滴法和小液滴法测定了腰果酚磺酸盐水溶液的表面张力和润湿性能,采用分水法测定了产物对液体石蜡的乳化性能,同时考察了氯化钠对乳化性能的影响.结果表明:所制备的腰果酚磺酸盐的临界胶束浓度(cmc)及γcmc分别为3.37 g/L和38.41 mN/m;其在油润湿表面的接触角随着溶液浓度的增大而减小,在水润湿表面的接触角随溶液浓度的增大先减小后增大;溶液的乳化能力随浓度的增加而增强,25℃下的分水时间比45℃下的长.随着盐浓度的增加,其对液体石蜡的乳化性能增强. Biomass cardanol was sulfonated by oleum to generate cardanol sulfonate surfactant.The chemical structure of resultant product was characterized by means of infrared spectrometry.The surface tension and wetting behavior of the product were determined by hanging drop method and droplet method.The emulsification performance of the product to liquid paraffin was measured by water diversion method;and the effect of sodium chloride on the emulsification performance was studied.Results indicate that as-synthesized cardanol sulfonate has a critical micelle concentration of 3.37 g/L and surface tension of 38.41 mN/m.Its contact angle on oil wetted surface decreased with increasing concentration,while that on water wetted surface initially decreased but then increased therewith.Besides,it had a longer water separation time at 25 ℃ than that at 45 ℃,and its emulsification ability increased with increasing concentration of NaCl.
出处 《化学研究》 CAS 2011年第2期47-51,共5页 Chemical Research
基金 大庆市高新区创新基金项目(DQGX08YF003)
关键词 生物质腰果酚 磺酸盐 表面活性剂 合成 乳化性能 biomass cardanol sulfonate surfactant synthesis emulsification performance
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