目的了解社区居民慢性病的发病情况并分析其原因,并提出针对高危人群的卫生策略。方法 2009年12月组织朝阳区孙河地区成年居民进行了免费健康检查,进行慢性病发病情况的调查分析。结果高血压患病率为27.8%,明显高于全国高血压发病率和北京高血压患病率;糖尿病患病率为10.8%,高于我国20岁以上人群糖尿病患病率;血脂异常患病率为23.3%,明显高于我国成人血脂异常患病率。结论本次体检人群高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、血脂异常的患病率明显高于全国上述疾病的患病率,孙河地区慢性疾病高的患病率可能和吸烟、肥胖、血脂异常、不良的生活方式等可控制因素密切相关,作为卫生工作者,对社区居民进行卫生策略的建议及健康的指导,对于我国人民的卫生健康具有重要的意义。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases in community residents, and propose hygienic strategy for the high-risk group of people. Methods The free health check for adult residents in Sunhe area of Chaoyang District was cartied out to investigate the incidence of chronic diseases in December 2009. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 27.8% , significantly higher than the incidence of Nation and Beijing area;the prevalence rate of diabetes was 10.8% ,higher than the national prevalence of diabetes over the age of 20;the prevalence rate of dyslipidemia was 23.3% , significantly higher than the prevalence of adult dyslipidemia. Conclusion The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and dyslipidemia are significantly higher than the national incidence, and this higher prevalence rate may be closely related to smoking, obesity, poor lifestyle which can be easily controlled. Therefore, family doctors giving healthy advice and doing healthy education are sig- nificant for public health.
Chinese Journal of General Practice
Chronic diseases