目的: 探讨疣状胃炎X 线表现,提高诊断疣状胃炎的能力。材料与方法: 本组选择经气钡双重造影检查,X 线征象典型疣状胃炎30 例,其中男17 例,女13 例。全部病例均经胃镜及病理证实。结果: 病变发生于胃窦18 例,胃体5 例,弥漫性7 例。病变呈痘疮样糜烂26 例,息肉样隆起4 例。病变多发28 例,单发2 例。结论:
Objective: To study the radiological features of verrucous gastritis and to improve the ability in its diagnosis.Materials and Methods:Radiological features of verrucous gastritis in thirty gastroscopically and pathologically proved patients, who had typical X ray signs on double contrast barium meal exams, were reviewed and analyzed.Results:The lesions were located at antrum (n=18), body (n=5) or diffusely distributed (n=7). Lesions appeared as varioliform erosion (n=26) or polypoid prominence (n=4). Multiple lesions were seen in 28 cases, while solitary lesion in 2.Conclusion: Combination of double contrast barium meal exam with gastroscopic and pathologic exams is the essential diagnostic measures for verrucous gastritis.
Journal of Clinical Radiology