目的 观察自血穴位注射和捏脊疗法对恶性肿瘤患者外周血象的影响。 方法 采用自血、捏脊和药物治疗,对64 例放化疗中恶性肿瘤患者的外周血象进行了临床观察。 结果 自血穴位注射足三里具有显著提高白细胞总数和维持白细胞数量的作用;自血与捏脊疗法对提高红细胞总数和血红蛋白的作用明显优于药物组。 结论 说明两种疗法对改善人体的造血机能有积极作用。
Objective To observe the effect of autohemotherapy and pinching back therapy on peripheral blood of the patients with malignant tumor. Method With the method of autohemotherapy and piching back therapy, the author observed the peripheral blood of the patients with malignant tumor that had been treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Result Injecting autologous blood into acupoint Zusanli (S 36) could remarkably increase the total count of WBC and maintain numeration of leukocyte; and compared with the control group, autohemotherapy and pinching back therapy also obviously increase the total count of RBC and the content of heloglobin. Conclusion The above results suggested that autohemotherapy and pinching back therapy had the effects of improving hematopoietic function and enhancing resistance of human being.
Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion