
甘肃博峪河自然保护区土壤纤毛虫群落特征 被引量:1

Characteristics of soil ciliate community in Boyuhe Nature Reserve of Gansu Province
摘要 用活体观察和蛋白银染色法对甘肃博峪河自然保护区11个采样点的土壤纤毛虫群落特征进行了研究.共鉴定到76种纤毛虫,隶属于3纲10目29科42属.广布种为陆生拟裸口虫(Pseudoholophrya terricola)、僧帽肾形虫(Colpoda cucullus)、齿脊拟肾形虫(Paracolpoda steini)、膨胀肾形虫(Colpoda inflata)、土壤肾形虫(Colpodaedaphoni)、有肋薄咽虫(Leptopharynx costatus)、刚毛胃纤虫(Homalogastra setosa)、近亲殖口虫(Gonostomumaffine)、苔藓游仆虫(Euplotes muscicola).下毛目为该保护区土壤纤毛虫群落中的优势类群,肾形目和前口目为次优势类群,管口目和寡毛目属罕见类群.研究区C/P系数为0.615,Jaccard相似性系数在0.184~0.532之间.结果分析表明,博峪河自然保护区的生境适宜于土壤纤毛虫的生长与繁殖,各样点土壤纤毛虫物种分布有明显差异,且与各样点小生境密切相关,物种数的差异和较低的Jaccard相似性系数显示出土壤纤毛虫群落分布的异质性具有区块特征. The composition of soil ciliate community at 11 sampling sites of Boyuhe Nature Reserve of Gansu Province is studied using live observation and protargol-staining.A total of 76 ciliate species belonging to 3 classes,10 orders,29 families and 42 genera is identified,including 6 soil endemic species and 21 species with strong degree of soil autochthonism.Pseudoholophrya terricola,Colpoda cucullus,Paracolpoda steini,Colpoda inflata,Colpoda edaphoni,Leptopharynx costatus,Homalogastra setosa,Gonostomum affine,and Euplotes muscicola are classified as widely distributed species.The ciliate community is primarily dominated by Hypotrichida,followed by Prostomatida and Colpodida,and Cyrtophorida and Oligorichida are only of incidental groups.C/P quotient is 0.615,and Jaccard similarity coefficient of 11 sampling cites ranged from 0.184 to 0.532.The analyses of these results suggest that the habitat of Boyuhe Nature Reserve of Gansu Province is suitable for growth and reproduction of soil ciliate.Species distribution of soil ciliate,which closely related to habitat of various sites,is significantly different.Both differences of species numbers and lower Jaccard coefficient indicate that heterogeneity of soil ciliates community distribution represente considerable patchiness.
出处 《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期87-94,共8页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870273 30470208)
关键词 土壤纤毛虫 群落特征 C/P系数 异质性 甘肃博峪河自然保护区 soil ciliate community characteristics C/P quotient heterogeneity Boyuhe Nature Reserve of Gansu Province
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