
女性知识分子的身份认同困境与探寻——以张洁20世纪80年代初小说创作为中心 被引量:1

The Predicament and Exploration of Female Intellectuals' Identity——Based on Zhang Jie's Novels in the early 1980s
摘要 张洁作为新时期最重要的女性作家之一,在其创作序列里塑造了一批女性知识分子形象。在张洁的小说中表现出直觉的、体验的女性立场,与20世纪80年代主流的知识分子话语之间有着缝隙和冲突。从小说中细节场景的分析入手,展现女性知识分子形象所显现的性别身份和知识分子身份的纠缠,并试图通过消弭、遮蔽这二者之间的矛盾,建构知识分子的主体身份;在消弭、遮蔽当中又体察到性别身份缺失的痛苦、无奈,从而勾勒出女性写作的历史场景。 Nowadays,a large number of female writers come to the stage of literature.Zhang Jie,one of the most influential female writers in the new era,has depicted the image of female intellectuals in her works.As a female intellectual,her standpoint based on instinct and experience,consequently conflicts with the mainstream dominated by male intellectuals in the 1980s.This paper is intended to start the analysis from the detailed scenarios to reveal the conflicts between gender identity and intellectual identity among females.Zhang Jie concealed the conflicts in her writing while observing the anguish and frustration of that age.The analysis will make it easy to depict the historic settings of her writing in the early 1980s.
作者 邹小凡
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2010年第5期79-85,共7页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 张洁 女性 知识分子 身份认同 Zhang Jie female intellectual identity
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