
体验哲学探源 被引量:28

Probing into the Origin of Embodied Philosophy
摘要 Lakoff和Johnson在严厉批判西方客观主义传统哲学和乔姆斯基TG语言理论的基础上,提出了"体验哲学"和"认知语言学"理论,对全世界学术界,特别是哲学界和语言学界,产生了重大影响。体验哲学登台亮相有其哲学上的历史根源,或多或少地受到了著名哲学家洛克经验主义观念论、杜威的经验自然主义、梅洛.庞蒂的知觉现象学、施密茨的新现象学以及普特南内部实在论的影响。我们认为它还与马列主义的唯物辩证法有关联。但体验哲学中的隐喻认知理论则有他们独到的见解,以前虽有哲学家提及,但未能从认知层面将其提升到哲学理论的高度。本文根据有关资料和自己的学习体会,拟对体验哲学作一溯源分析。 Lakoff Johnson,upon the serious criticism of western traditional philosophy "Objectivism" and Chomsky's TG Theory,have proposed "Embodied Philosophy(EP)" and "Cognitive Linguistics(CL)",which have produced a great influence on the current academic studies,especially philosophical and linguistic circles.EP's appearance has its long historical origin in philosophy,which has got a lot of inspiration from the famous philosophers,such as Locke(Empirical Conceptualism).Dewey(Experience and Nature),Merleau-Ponty(Phenomenonology of Perception),Schmitz(Neo-Phenomenonology),and Putnam(Internal Realism).We think it has also been related to materialist dialectics by Marxism-Leninism.L J have initiated the Conceptual Metaphor Theory in EP,which was mentioned by some other philosophers,but has not been regarded seriously as a philosophy theory from a cognitive angle.This paper intends to probe into the origin of EP on the basis of the related data and our understanding.
作者 王寅
出处 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期45-50,共6页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 体验哲学 认知语言学 客观主义哲学理论 探源 embodied philosophy cognitive linguistics objectivism origin
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