
供应链环境下企业社会责任对企业适应性成长的影响分析及对策研究 被引量:1

Research on the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Adaptive Growth and Its Countermeasures Based on Supply Chain Management
摘要 企业社会责任风险会沿着供应链路径的进行传导,我们分析了这种风险的传导机制以及风险对核心企业适应性成长的影响,并提出了防范和控制供应链企业间社会责任缺失风险的相应对策和措施.研究对于探讨供应链环境下企业适应性成长具有一定意义. The risk of corporate social responsibility can be transmitted along the supply chain.We discussed the risk transmission mechanism and the influence of this risk on the adaptive growth of related enterprises.Finally,we propose corresponding countermeasures to prevent and control the risk of lacking corporate social responsibility along the supply chain.The research is meaningful for understanding the corporate adaptive growth based on supply chain management.
作者 袁裕辉
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2010年第12期12-17,共6页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(No.10151063301000000)
关键词 企业社会责任 供应链 企业适应性成长 corporate social responsibility supply chain corporate adaptive growth
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