功率因数校正技术是抑制电网谐波电流,提高功率因数的有效方法。本文设计了一款基于TMS320LF2407的平均电流控制型的数字控制单相Boost-PFC控制器,研究了电压电流双闭环数字控制回路的设计方法,除此之外,还在Matlab/Simulink中建立了该数字控制PFC(Power Factor Correction)控制器模型,并对其性能进行了仿真研究。
This paper designs an digital controlled Boost-PFC converter with the method of average current control,which is based on the DSP of TMS320LF2407A,and specially researches the design of voltage close-loop and current close-loop with digital control.The model of this PFC system is built based on the Matlab/Simulink,and the performance is simulated and analyzed.