系统基于.net框架,借助于Microsoft Visual Studio2005平台,利用ASP.NET作为开发语言和Microsoft SQL Server2005数据库管理软件构建一个操作简单、界面友好的B/S架构的"中小型企业人事管理系统"。对其设计目标进行了分析,对系统功能的实现方法和策略做了详细说明,该系统使企业的人事管理工作更加方便、合理。
Our system use ASP.NET as the development language,it built a personal management system based on a B/S architecture.The system uses SQL 2005 as the tools of database.our system has solved the function of managing the people's information,managing the attendance information,managing the overtime information,managing the leaving information and managing the solar information.
Software Guide