

The Key of Protecting the Environment of the Li Rive is to Find True Essence of the Li River
摘要 漓江保护与开发(简称漓保)问题长期困扰人们的根本原因在于漓江本质没搞清楚。漓江的本质在于,它是一条承载着重大国家责任与使命的观光性河流。漓江首先是国家稀缺战略资源,其次才是旅游资源。漓保矛盾集中体现于保护与开发的矛盾,实质是国家战略与域内民生合理诉求利益对冲,是国计与民生、大局与局部、计划与市场的矛盾;国家是保护漓江的最大受益者,从法律责、权、利关系考量,本着权责一致、"谁受益,谁补偿"的原则,国家应为漓保第一责任主体。桂林长期以地级市之资源代位国家成为漓保主要责任主体,责任主体错位是漓保问题的根本症结所在。简言之,漓江本质认知错位导致了漓保责任主体错位,进而导致体制不顺诸难题。国家责任理应享有国家资源保障与权限,漓保理应升为国家战略,升格桂林为国家计划单列市(简称单列市)是平衡国家战略与域内民生利益的交汇点和最佳形式。应以单列市为平台,高起点规划、导引、推动漓保诸要素向系统化集成聚焦、循环优化,渐成长效保护支撑系统。只有跳出视漓江为普通旅游资源的传统思维巢臼,充分尊重漓江作为国家稀缺战略资源的价值与特性,将对漓江本质的认识提至全新高度,以观念更新引领漓江的科学保护,漓保难题才能根本解决。 The reason why the efforts to protect the environment of the Li River failed is that the true value of the Li River is not fully realized.Its essence lies in the fact that rather than a river of ordinary tourist value,as a race natural source of various strategic value,the river services for the whole country strategically.The problem that hinders the Li River environmental protection is that there is a conflict between the national strategic considerations and the reasonable regional demands of the local people.It's the whole nation that benefits most from the high-standard protection of the river,so the central government should take the main responsibility to protect the river,not the local government of Guilin City,the second benefit receiver.In short,the failure to fully realize the true functions of the river leads to the wrong role of the local government as the major unit to protect the river,thus various difficulties and problems occur.It's proved that because of the protection system disorder,the situation of the Li River has not improved and still remains a problem.In regard to the relations between responsibility,right and benefit from the point view of law,the one that benefit most should take the most responsibility.And also the local government that sacrifices the local wealth for the country should have more financial advantages and support from the central government.To balance the national strategic considerations and demands of the local people,it's highly suggested that the Guilin local government be upgraded to a higher administration level,a special city under the administration of the central government(city specifically designated in the state plan),and policies to protect the river scenically and effectively be made,with the work focus on constructing the experimental national tourism comprehensive reform region and the high-tech industrial region in Guilin.The ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts?And the practice of having different analysis to specific issues are two guidelines in solving difficult problems for the governments;the soul is to find the true essence of the issue.Only when governments of different levels get rid of the idea that the Li River is an ordinary river with only tourist value instead of a river of highly national strategic value,take a different view of the true functions of the river and guide the protection work with the new thought can the difficult task of protecting the environment of the Li River be accomplished
出处 《旅游论坛》 CSSCI 2010年第6期700-704,共5页 Tourism Forum
关键词 漓江保护 漓江本质 国家责任 战略资源 旅游资源 protecting the environment of the Li River the essence of the Li River the national duty the national strategic resource tourism resource
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  • 1本报记者 蒋桂斌.经贸之旅 人文之旅 和谐之旅 共赢之旅[N]桂林日报,2010(001).








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