

Strategic Analysis of the Cultivated Land Protection in the Development of Metropolitan Zone by AHP-SWOT Method——A Case Study of Chibi City in Hubei Province
摘要 研究目的:探讨城市圈建设过程中的耕地保护策略。研究方法:在实地调查的基础上,采用AHP-SWOT分析方法。研究结论:赤壁市耕地保护的自身优势有后备资源优势、异地占补平衡优势和法律制度保护优势等,相对劣势表现在耕地数量持续减少、耕地质量总体不高、产权不明晰、基层对耕地保护认识不足等,外部机遇有新一轮规划、"三农"问题备受重视、农业税的取消、农产品市场建设等,外部威胁来自城市圈建设占用耕地、退耕还林政策、农业结构调整、农产品比较收益较低等。AHP分析表明,城市圈建设占用耕地是最严重的外部威胁,耕地异地占补平衡则是要充分利用的自身优势,新一轮规划是推动赤壁市耕地保护的最佳外部机遇,耕地数量持续减少则是最不利的劣势。 The purpose of the study is to analyze the cultivated land protection strategy in the development of Metropolitan Zone. On the basis of on-the-spot investigations, AHP-SWOT method is employed. The results indicate that the strengths of the cultivated land protection in Chibi City are backup resources advantage, the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation in different region, legal system advantage, etc. The weaknesses are the cultivated land keeping decreased in numbers, low quality of the cultivated land, unclear property right, the grass-roots units are lack of understanding of cultivated land protection, etc. The opportunities are the new round of land-use planning, the highly valued of the three agricultural issues, abolishment of agricultural tax, agricultural market construction, etc. The threats are the development of metropolitan zone engrossing the cultivated land, project of returning farmland, to forests, adjustment of agricultural structure, low comparative profit of agricultural products, etc. The analysis of AHP indicates that the development of Metropolitan Zone engrossing the cultivated land is the worst threat, the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation in different region is the most advantageous strength, the new round of land-use planning is the best opportunity and the cultivated land keeping decreased in numbers is the worst weakness.
出处 《广东土地科学》 2010年第6期4-9,共6页 Guangdong Land Science
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(2009342) 中国矿业大学社科基金(2009-272-3732)
关键词 耕地保护 AHP—SWOT分析法 策略 赤壁市 Cultivated land protection AHP-SWOT method strategy Chibi City
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