

Optimization of Endotoxin Shock Model in Mice Sensitized with D-galactosamine
摘要 目的:建立D-氨基半乳糖敏化小鼠内毒素休克的规范化模型。方法:选择对内毒素休克小鼠死亡率有影响的3个因素:D-氨基半乳糖增敏剂量、内毒素攻击剂量及其给药途径每个因素选取3个水平,按L9(34)正交试验表安排试验。以小鼠48h死亡率为评价指标,并通过验证试验,优化与实验要求相符的造模条件。结果:各因素对动物死亡率影响程度依次为:D-氨基半乳糖增敏剂量>内毒素给药途径>内毒素攻击剂量。采用D-氨基半乳糖600 mg.kg-1敏化小鼠,腹腔注射内毒素0.5 mg.kg-1的给药方案为佳。结论:规范内毒素休克模型的复制条件,将有利于科学评价药物的抗内毒素活性。 Objective: To investigate the nomative conditions for constructing the endotoxin shock model of mice sensitized byh D-galactosamine.Methods: Three factors of the death rate in endotoxin shock mice sensitized by D-galactosamine were chosen:(1)Dose of D-galactosamine;(2)Dose of lipopolysaccharide;(3)Approaches of lipopolysaccharide injection.And three levels of every factor were chosen.Arranging the tests based on L9(34) orthogonal test table.The death rate at 48h was regarded as index,and the optimum method of constructing endotoxin shock model was assessed.Results: 600 mg·kg-1 D-galactosamine and 0.5 mg·kg-1 lipopolysaccharide intraperitoneally was the dose for constructing endotoxin shock model.Conclusion: Establishing the standard model of endotoxin shock was benefit to evaluating anti-endotoxin activity of drugs scientifically.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2010年第24期4617-4620,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 D-氨基半乳糖 内毒素休克 模型 D-galactosamine Endotoxin shock Model
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