
夜蓝褪色分光光度法测定肝素钠 被引量:6

Spectrophotometric Determination of Heparin Sodium Salt by Decoloration of Night Blue
摘要 在pH 4.5的乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲溶液中,肝素钠与夜蓝之间强烈的相互作用使夜蓝褪色,据此提出了分光光度法测定肝素钠的方法。对反应体系酸度、夜蓝用量、反应时间等条件做了试验并予以优化,对夜蓝与肝素钠的反应机理进行了初步地探讨。在最大吸收波长618 nm处吸光度的差值(ΔA)与肝素钠的质量浓度在2.0 mg.L-1范围以内呈线性关系。方法用于测定肝素钠注射剂中肝素钠的含量,加标回收率在100.3%~101.0%之间。 Based on the color-fading of night blue by its strong interaction with heparin in an acetate buffer solution of pH 4. 5, a spectrophotometric method for determination of heparin was proposed. Experimental conditions, including the values of pH of the reaction system, amount of night blue and time of reaction were tested and optimized, and mechanism of the reaction was also discussed. The magnitude of decrease in absorbance (zXA) was found to keep linear relationship with mass concentration of heparin in the range within 2. 0 mg. L-1 as measured at its absorption maximum of 618 nm. The proposed method was used in the analysis of sodium heparin injections, giving values of recovery found by standard addition method in the range of 100.3 %- 101.0 %.
出处 《理化检验(化学分册)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1334-1336,共3页 Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)
基金 江苏省高校"青蓝工程"中青年学术带头人项目~~
关键词 分光光度法 夜蓝 肝素钠 Spectrophotometry Night blue Heparin (sodium salt)
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