
大面积等离子体片微波反射特性研究 被引量:2

Microwave reflection characteristics of large area plasma sheet
摘要 分别通过实验测试与FDTD仿真得到了5.8 GHz标准抛物面天线发射出的微波经大面积等离子体片反射后的方向图;利用FDTD方法对不同入射角度的等离子体片反射特性进行了分析。研究表明:FDTD方法可以准确描述等离子体片的反射性能;等离子体的密度足够高时,它的反射性能与金属相似;微波入射角越大则对等离子体的密度要求越低。 The far field radiation patterns of the microwave reflected by the large area plasma sheet from a 5.8 GHz paraboloid antenna were obtained by experiment and FDTD simulation;and the reflection properties of plasma sheet with different angles were studied by FDTD simulation.The results show that FDTD method can accurately describe the reflection properties of the plasma sheet;if the plasma density is high enough,the reflection properties of plasma sheet are similar with metal;and the plasma sheet can get a same reflection effect with a lower plasma density as the incident angle is greater.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期302-306,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
关键词 等离子体片 反射面 方向图 微波 plasma sheet reflector radiation pattern microwave
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